BANOFFEE PIE – At Covent Garden La Ballerina Italian restaurant

BANOFFEE PIE - At Covent Garden La Ballerina Italian restaurant


BANOFFEE PIEis a quintessential Italian dessert that celebrates simplicity and quality ingredients. La Ballerina’s rendition of this classic treat is nothing short of spectacular.

The crust, a delicate dance of buttery perfection, cradles a symphony of thinly sliced, caramelized apples. Each bite is a harmonious blend of sweet and tart, with the buttery notes of the crust complementing the natural flavours of the apples. The secret lies in the chef’s meticulous attention to detail and the use of fresh, seasonal produce.


The BANOFFEE PIE at La Ballerina is often served with a dollop of velvety vanilla gelato, adding a luxurious creaminess to the experience. The dessert is elegantly presented, a visual masterpiece that mirrors the artistic spirit of Covent Garden.


To elevate the indulgence, consider pairing theBANOFFEE PIE with a glass of Moscato or a rich espresso. The interplay of fruity sweetness with a hint of effervescence or the boldness of coffee enhances the overall sensory delight.


La Ballerina’s BANOFFEE PIE is more than just a dessert; it’s a journey through the heart of Italy’s culinary traditions. As you savour each bite, you can almost feel the breeze of the Mediterranean and hear the laughter of an Italian piazza. Whether you’re a seasoned foodie or a casual diner, this exquisite treat is sure to leave a lasting impression and beckon you back to Covent Garden for more.

So, the next time you find yourself strolling through London’s iconic Covent Garden, make a point to visit La Ballerina and indulge in the symphony of flavours that is the BANOFFEE PIE. Your taste buds will thank you, and you’ll carry the memory of this delightful experience with you long after the final bite.

Reservation Details

Find out how to make a reservation and plan your visit to La Ballerina.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44 20 7379 6659

Website Reservation: Reservation

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